The Superleadership of School Administrators Affecting the High Performance Organizations Under the Secondary Educational Service Area
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The purposes of this research were 1) to study the level of the high performance organization of the schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 20, 2) to examine the level of superleadership of the school administrators in the study area, and 3) to establish forecast equations of high performance organization of the schools. The sample group used in this research were 346 school teachers. The research instrument was the 5-level-rating scale questionnaire on superleadership and high performance organization of schools. The data were analyzed for frequency, mean, standard deviation and the stepwise multiple regression. The results of this investigation revealed that the level of high performance organization of the schools was at the highest level both overall and for each aspect. The level of superleadership of the school administrators was the highest level both overall and for each aspect. The forecast equations of the high performance organization of the schools were as follows:
Equation of raw scores:
= .837 + .213 (X3) + .171 (X5) + .180 (X4) + .160 (X2) + .103 (X1)
Equation of standard scores:
= .280X3 + .233X5 + .242X4 + .206X2 + .125X1
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