The Authentic Leadership of School Administrator Affecting the Organizational Commitment Under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area in Udonthani Province

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สุทธิ สีพิกา
วันทนา อมตาริยกุล
ประพรทิพย์ คุณากรพิทักษ์


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the level of authentic leadership of school administrators under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area in Udonthani province, 2) to investigate the level of the organizational commitment of the school administrators and 3) to examine the authentic leadership affecting the organizational commitment of the school administrators. The sample group consisted of 248 school administrators. The research instrument was the 5-point rating scale questionnaire on authentic leadership and organizational commitment of school administrators. The data were analyzed for frequency, mean, standard deviation and the stepwise multiple regression. The results revealed; 1. the authentic leadership of the school administrators was at the high level both overall and in aspects. 2. The organizational commitment of the school administrators were at the high level both overall and in aspects. 3. The authentic leadership of the school administrators affecting the organizational commitment were composed of internalized moral perspective factor, self-awareness factor, learning to the future factor and relational transparency factor. These predictors accounted for 59.50 percent of the variance at significant .01.

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How to Cite
สีพิกา ส., อมตาริยกุล ว., & คุณากรพิทักษ์ ป. (2019). The Authentic Leadership of School Administrator Affecting the Organizational Commitment Under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area in Udonthani Province. Journal of Graduate Research, 10(1), 77–95. retrieved from
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