Homestay and Sustainable Tourism Management in Nan Province -

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กนกรัตน์ ดวงพิกุล
จารุนันท์ เมธะพันธุ์


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the tourism management of homestays in Nan Province, 2) to analyze the potential of tourism management in the province and 3) to examine a guideline to manage sustainable tourism of homestays related to lifestyles of the communities. This research was a mixed-method in which the quantitative data was collected from questionnaires distributed to 45 community homestay entrepreneurs, and was statistically analyzed for frequency, percentage, means, and standard deviation. By means of qualitative data, observation and preliminary interview sessions were concucted. Sets of interview questions were operated with the samples: non-entrepreneur residents living in the participating communities, selected by using a purposive sampling method from 3 communities; 10 people each with a total of 30 participants. Furthermore, an in-depth interview session was conducted with 8 participants. The collected qualitative data was analyzed by using a content analysis.

        The results were that the communities managed eco-tourism in 7 aspects: 1) an access to tourism areas of homestays, 2) accommodation of tourists, 3) food for tourists,
4) activities and tourist guides, 5) resources and environment, 6) public relations and promotion, and 7) management of homestay groups. Moreover, the homestay entrepreneurs emphasized management of homestays at a high level. When considering in the aspects, ranked from high to low, it was found that the top-three aspects were food for tourists, accommodation of tourists, and management of homestay groups, respectively. In terms of the potential of tourism management of homestays using a market opportunity analysis, the results were that the strengths of homestay groups included 1) high-leadership performance of group leaders, 2) clear segregation of duties of group operations, 3) various tourism activities, 4) attractive natural resources, and 5) safety. The weaknesses were 1) communication with foreigners, 2) lack of local tour guides, 3) lack of operating budget, and 4) insufficient accommodation. By means of opportunities, the results involved 1) popularity of eco-tourism, 2) certification of Thai homestays, and 3) Tai Lue lifestyle. For the threats, the results included 1) more competitions in tourism businesses in the province, 2) lack of continuous supports, and 3) inconvenient routes and transportation to the communities.

          For the guideline to manage sustainable tourism of homestays, the results involved a development of community potential, raising consciousness in resource conservation, group leaders, public relations, income distribution to local people and a balance between tourist needs, needs of local communities, and resource capabilities.

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How to Cite
ดวงพิกุล ก., & เมธะพันธุ์ จ. (2018). Homestay and Sustainable Tourism Management in Nan Province: -. Journal of Graduate Research, 9(1), 217–234. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

กนกรัตน์ ดวงพิกุล, Rajamangala University of Technalogy Lanna Nan

Department of Business Administration

จารุนันท์ เมธะพันธุ์, rmutl"

จารุนันท์ เมธะพันธุ์ 

อาจารย์ กลุ่มวิชาภาษาไทย คณะบริหารธุรกิจและศิลปศาสตร์


มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลล้านนา น่าน ตำบลฝายแก้ว อำเภอภูเพียง จังหวัดน่าน 55000


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