Learning Resources Management of Ban Rim Tai School,Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai Province
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This research was aimed at investigating the problems and finding out the solutions of learning resources management of Ban Rim Tai School in Mae Rim district, Chiang Mai province. A focus group interview was used to collect the data from the samples of 22 School personnel. The research instrument was an interview and a focus group record. The data were analyzed by verifying the accuracy of the contents and presenting the results desriptively. The results are described as follows.
This research found that personnel learning resources were not sufficient and they did not have a working plan. For natural learning resources, there was a limited resource in the school and there was no maintenance plan. Without a supervisor, the record tracking of the learning resources for use was delayed. The school also had old, impractical and limited learning media while its materials and facilities could not support a large number of students. The limited space in classrooms made the students feel uncomfortable when participating in learning activities.
In order to solve the mentioned problems of the learning resources, it was recommended that the individuals in change of the learning resources set up a working calendar. For the natural resources, the school should check, record students’ learning results, and assess students’ satisfaction. Teachers, students and guardians should be encouraged to recognize the importance of developing modern learning media, innovation and technology. The utilization satisfaction must be assessed. The school must set up the policy for using materials and facilities, based on activities. The satisfaction of users must be assessed in order to improve the learning resources management of the school for optimizing the benefits of learning resources.
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