Lifestyle Segmentation for Online Fashion Shopping in Bangkok, Thailand


  • Jirayu Poomontree Kasemsant Martin de Tours School of Management and Economics, Assumption University
  • Songsak Vanichviroon Martin de Tours School of Management and Economics, Assumption University
  • Tanakom Tantontrakul Martin de Tours School of Management and Economics, Assumption University


Fashion Lifestyle, Segmentation, Discriminant Analysis, Online Shopping


The purpose of this study was to explore the segmentation of young customers in Thailand who had an interest in purchasing fashion products online, based on their fashion lifestyles with clustering technique. The aims of the study were to: 1) discover categorization among the various fashion lifestyle segments, 2) examine how to precisely figure out an appropriate number of segments before clustering, and 3) utilize clustering techniques to categorize these fashion lifestyles into segments and report the findings. A survey of 494 Thai young shoppers who purchased online, were collected. The results of the study indicated that there were five segments that were particularly well-suited, namely fashionistas (30.4%), trendy buyers (20.0%), value for money shoppers (19.4%), economical love shoppers (17.4%), and emotional shoppers (12.8%). This research can be used as a guideline for analyzing the behavior of teenage consumers, which is changing more and more every year, especially the change in media channels to online. The acceptance of technology as a part of life has caused the marketing approach of the store to change to keep up, including the management of the work system after closing the sale, which must be accurate, fast, and ready to always impress customers. Entrepreneurs who plan to expand their business must have a back-office management system to help manage purchase orders and warehouses and connect transportation systematically for business expansion to grow comprehensively.


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How to Cite

Poomontree Kasemsant, J., Vanichviroon, S. ., & Tantontrakul, T. . (2024). Lifestyle Segmentation for Online Fashion Shopping in Bangkok, Thailand. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 12(2), 175–195. Retrieved from



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