A Study of Pre-retirement Preparation Behavior of Operational Employees in Bangkok and Metropolitan Areas
Confidence on Retirement Preparation, Attitude towards Retirement, Goal Clarity, Social Influence, Financial LiteracyAbstract
The objectives of this study were to study the confidence in retirement preparation, attitude towards retirement, goal clarity, social influence, and financial literacy towards pre-retirement preparation behavior of operational employees in Bangkok and metropolitan areas, and to study gender, age, and education level differences towards pre-retirement preparation behavior of operational employees in Bangkok and metropolitan areas. The instrument was a questionnaire, which was verified by the academic experts as well as tested the reliability test with a value of .825. This questionnaire set was distributed to 600 samples, who were private employees, between the ages of 40-55 and had knowledge and understanding about preparing for retirement from work. Descriptive statistics was used to report the frequency and percentage and inferential statistics was used to report the t-test, one –way ANOVA with multiple comparisons and the multiple regression analysis with the statistically significant at the .05 level. The results found that the majority of sample was 355 males for 59.17 percent, 214 samples having between age 50-55 years old for 35.67 percent, and 237 samples having a bachelor’s degree level for 39.5 percent. The confidence in retirement preparation, attitude towards retirement, goal clarity, social influence, and financial literacy towards pre-retirement preparation behavior of operational employees in Bangkok and metropolitan areas had an overall influence of 59.4%; at the statistical significance level of .05. The differences in gender, age, and education level had different effects on the pre-retirement preparation behavior of operational employees in Bangkok and metropolitan areas at the statistical significance level of .05. The results of this research can be used as a suggestion for government and private agencies to give importance to driving the transition into a society of quality retirees.
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