Factors in the competency of organizational employees that affect becoming Adaptive Leadership


  • Jirasek Trimetsoontorn Faculty of logistics and aviation technology, Southeast Bangkok University
  • Apisit Chattananon Faculty of Business Administration, Chiang Mai University
  • Kongkiat Chuthirunsup Beyond Training Co. Ltd.


The study of competency factors of organizational employees that affect becoming adaptive
leadership has the following objectives: 1. to study the level of opinions on the characteristics of adaptive
leadership, 2. to study the level of competency of organizational employees, and 3. to study competency
factors of organizational employees that affect becoming adaptive leadership. The population and sample
used in this research consisted of 385 employees of organizations in Bangkok and metropolitan area.
A purposive sampling method was used. A questionnaire set was used as a research tool, consisting of 2 parts,
which were the characteristics of leaders that are important for change data, and the competency
factors of organizational employees that affect adaptive leadership data. The analysis of employee
competency factors that affect becoming adaptive leadership has revealed that change management,
resource management, building team relations, interpersonal relations, effective communication,
attitude, performance management, and dealing with division are crucial factors affected becoming adaptive
leadership. These factors have been found to be statistically significant at the 0.05 level. In addition,
the research results can be used as guidelines for developing and improving the competency of employees
in organizations that will affect them to become adaptive leadership with direction and lead to efficiency
and effectiveness of organization in the future.


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How to Cite

Trimetsoontorn, J., Chattananon, A. ., & Chuthirunsup, K. . (2024). Factors in the competency of organizational employees that affect becoming Adaptive Leadership. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 12(2), 32–44. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/apheitvu/article/view/267029



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