The Impacts of Consumers’ s Trust, E-WOM, and Attitude Toward Online Personalized Cosmetics Purchasing Intention among Facebook Members in Thailand
Personalized Cosmetic Products Online, Consumer Trust, Electronic Word-of-mouth Communication, Intention to PurchaseAbstract
The objective of this article was to analyze the factors affecting consumer behavior in purchasing personalized cosmetic products online as well as study factors that affect consumer trust, electronic word-of-mouth communication and attitude towards intention to purchase personalized cosmetic products online. This study is quantitative research using a questionnaire set. The sample group used in this research was members of the online social network group (Facebook) in Thailand, which composed of 500 women. The non-probability sampling method was used to select samples of the study and the structural equation model was used for analysis as well. The results of the research found that the confidence aspect, the electronic word-of-mouth communication aspect, the attitude towards the product aspect, and the attitude towards brands aspect affected the intention to purchase personalized cosmetic products online. Moreover, the results of the study found that the confidence aspect affected the intention to purchase personalized cosmetic products online with the value of 0.888. The attitude towards the brand aspect affected the intention to purchase personalized cosmetic products online with the value of 0.385. The attitude towards the product aspect affected the intention to purchase personalized cosmetic products online with the value of 0.373, and electronic word-of-mouth communication aspect affected the intention to purchase personalized cosmetic products online with a value of 0.193, respectively at the statistical significance level .05.
The benefits of this research can support businesses or companies dealing with cosmetics and beauty products, marketing planning department Including electronic retailers in the beauty industry to develop and improve products to respond the needs of online consumers. Moreover, expanding the business including developing digital marketing strategies as well as increasing sales and opportunities for the business in the future.
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