Value Chain Management Model to Reduce Waste Enhancing Sustainable Development Under the Circular Economy Concept of Pineapple Farmers in Loei Province


  • Radasa Netsangsee Faculty of Management Science Loei Rajabhat University


Value Chain Management, Reduce Waste, Sustainable Development, Circular Economy, Agricultural


This research aims to : (1) study the level of operations according to the principles of value chains, waste, sustainable development, application of the circular economy concept;     (2) study the direct influence Indirect influence among variables; and evaluate the consistency of the structural equation model of the value chain management model to reduce waste towards sustainable development under the circular economy concept of pineapple farmers in Loei Province. The sample consisted of 380 pineapple farmers, using a multistage sampling method. It is divided into 14 districts using a simple random sampling. The tool used was a questionnaire. The statistics used were the descriptive statistics and the structural equation analysis. The result of structural equation analysis found that (1) the level of value chain management, reduce waste, circular economy and sustainable development was a high level of mean scores ( = 4.02); (2) the value chain management, waste management and the circular economy concepts had a positive direct influence on sustainable development at 82.2 percent; (3) the result of the structural equation analysis was consistent with the empirical data (Chi-square = 99.536, df = 80, relative Chi-square = 1.244, p-value = 0.069, GFI = 0.977, AGFI = 0.926, RMSEA = .025. , RMR = .007). Moreover, it found that farmers must plan to integrate the strategic circular economy value chain that aims to optimize resource management for maximum efficiency, developing quality standards and yields as desired, improving the efficiency of cultivation management and post-harvest activities to reduce costs and increase yield values. In addition, applying the new theory, the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, and the circular economy principles to operation management practices for agricultural product quality standards and environmental management accreditation.


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How to Cite

Netsangsee, R. . (2024). Value Chain Management Model to Reduce Waste Enhancing Sustainable Development Under the Circular Economy Concept of Pineapple Farmers in Loei Province . Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 13(1), 106–121. Retrieved from



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