The Causal Factors of Environmental Supply Chain Management Capability Influence the Sustainable Performance of Hotel Industry in Thailand


  • Nilubon Weerotpadungpong Faculty of Management Science, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University
  • Saweeya Prathanadi Faculty of Management Science, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University
  • อนิรุธ พิพัฒน์ประภา Faculty of Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan


Environmental Supply Chain Management Capability, Hotel Industry


This research aimed to study on the factor level of environmental leadership, organizational
supporting, environmental supply chain management capability and sustainable performance.
Also, it aimed to study on the causal factors of the environmental supply chain management
capability, the establishing of an environmental co-mission, integration of environmental activities
and stakeholders integrating capability of the hotel industry in Thailand. The questionnaire was
used for data collection from 200 hotel managements of three-five star-rated member hotels of
the Thai Hotels Association. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis was used for data analysis.
The results from the study on the causal factors level and the effect of the environmental
supply chain management capability showed that the overall average value of the environmental
supply chain management capability was at a high level. The overall average of the causal factors
of the environmental supply chain management capability in high level was on the environmental
leadership and organizational supporting. The overall average of the effect from the environmental
supply chain management capability was on the sustainable performance at high level. The
model was consistent with the empirical as the χ2 =55.309, df=32, χ2/df =1.728, TLI=0.984, CFI=0.988,
RMR=0.011 and RMSEA=0.061 is showed that variables in the structural equation are well predictable
and acceptable. It finds that environmental leadership has a direct positive influence toward support has a direct positive influence toward an environmental supply chain management capability with the coefficient value.The environmental supply chain management capability had
resulted on the sustainable performance with the coefficient value. This research can be used as
a guideline for policy making and operations.
an environmental supply chain management capability with the coefficient value. The organizational


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How to Cite

Weerotpadungpong, N. ., Prathanadi, S. ., & พิพัฒน์ประภา อ. . (2020). The Causal Factors of Environmental Supply Chain Management Capability Influence the Sustainable Performance of Hotel Industry in Thailand. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 9(1), 154–173. retrieved from



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