Influence of Knowledge Factors from Organization Support and Employee Self-Support on the Innovation Capabilities in the Thai Automotive Industry: Under the Moderator Variable of Type of Manufacturers.


  • Poramet Eamurai Graduate School of Business Administration, Southeast Asia University.
  • Napaporn Khantanapha Graduate School of Business Administration, Southeast Asia University
  • Rapeepun Piriyakul Faculty of Science, Ramkhamhaeng University


Organizational Support, Self-support, Innovation Capabilities, Thai Automotive Industry


The objectives of this research were (1) to investigate the influence of organizational support
and self-support on the knowledge factors regarding to the innovation capabilities in the Thai
automotive parts manufacturers, Tier 2 and Tier 3; and (2) to compare the innovation capabilities
of the employees working in Tier 2 and Tier 3 automotive parts manufacturers. A quantitative
research was designed while the questionnaire survey was conducted. Employees working in the
Tier 2 and Tier 3 automotive parts manufacturers were targeted as the population of the study.
Two-stage Sampling together with simple random technique was applied to sampling 100 samples
from each tier. Structural equation modeling using the AMOS program was applied to analyze the
The results revealed that (1) the influence of organizational support on knowledge-related
factors of the Tier 2 automotive parts manufacturers on innovation capabilities was higher than
that of the Tier 3 while the influence of self-support on knowledge-related factors of the Tier 3
on innovation capabilities was higher than that of the Tier 2. (2) The positive influence of knowledge
absorption of the Tier 2 on innovation capabilities was higher than that of the Tier 3 while the
influence of knowledge application of the Tier 3 on innovation capabilities was higher than that
of the Tier 2 The knowledge absorption was distinctively illustrated in the Tier 2 while the knowledge
application was more distinctive in the Tier 3 automotive parts manufacturers.


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How to Cite

Eamurai, P. ., Khantanapha, N. ., & Piriyakul, R. (2020). Influence of Knowledge Factors from Organization Support and Employee Self-Support on the Innovation Capabilities in the Thai Automotive Industry: Under the Moderator Variable of Type of Manufacturers. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 9(1), 22–43. retrieved from



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