Determinants and Moderators of Intention to Purchase using Social Commerce


  • Anyamanee Phungphol The Vincent Mary School of Science and Technology, Assumption University


Direct and indirect effects, Moderators, Social commerce, Social network


Social commerce (SC) is an increasingly popular form of electronic commerce that involves
the use of social network sites (SNS) as commercial platforms. It is important for practitioners from
the SC industry and SC researchers to understand which factors drive a user’s intentions to purchase
goods and services using SC. This study proposes a theoretical model of factors derived from
previous studies which have causal or moderating effects on an individual’s intentions to make
purchases using SC. The model is analyzed and developed using data collected from a sample of
399 SC users. The study makes three contributions to theory: insights based on direct, indirect,
and total effects rather than only direct effects; the study of social support variables; and the
investigation of moderating effects due to gender, age, and SC experience. The findings confirm
several results from previous studies and identify new results.


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How to Cite

Phungphol, A. (2019). Determinants and Moderators of Intention to Purchase using Social Commerce. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 8(2), ุ69–89. Retrieved from