The Mediation Influence of Trust and Experience of Electronic Banking Services on the Relationship among Subjective Norm Behavioral Intention and Actual Use


  • อรสุภา จันทร์วงษ์ Faculty of Management Science, LampangRajabhat University
  • บุญฑวรรณ วิงวอน Faculty of Management Science, Lampang Rajabhat University
  • มนตรี พิริยะกุล Faculty of Science, Ramkhamhaeng University


Electronic Banking Services, Subjective Norm, Behavioral Intention, Actual Use


The objectives of this research were to: (1)examine the influence of subjective norms,
behavioral intention, experience, trust and the actual use of users in electronic banking services
in the upper-northern part of Thailand; (2) analyze the impact of trust and experience of using
users in electronic banking services relative to the influence of subjective norms, behavioral intention
and actual use; (3) and to analyze the impact of subjective norms and the influence of actual use
through the behavioral intention of users in electronic banking services in the upper-northern part
of Thailand. The research participants comprised 500 users of electronic banking services in 8
provinces in the upper-northern part of Thailand.A questionnaire was used to collect data, which
were then analyzed using percentage, averages, standard deviation, and reliability through the use
of Structural Equation Model: SEM and the analysis of variables was conducted using computer
package program.Open-ended questionnaires and systematic content analysis were used to gain
qualitative data.
The result showed that an analysis of the structural equation model (SEM) and directed
variables showed that the experience of using electronic banking services had a negative impact
on the influence of subjective norms and the behavioral intention. It was shown that if users had
more experience in using electronic banking services, and their family members and peer groups
encountered negative experiences with online-banking, they would continue to use electronic
banking services. Once users had greater levels of trust and behavioral intention, they would use
more electronic banking services. Technological advances caused the cashless society, the
customers get fast service and they are convenient to receive the lower costs. The stakeholders
can check financial transactions. The government is able to collect taxes accurately and more
completely, resulting in the country's development.


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How to Cite

จันทร์วงษ์ อ., วิงวอน บ., & พิริยะกุล ม. (2019). The Mediation Influence of Trust and Experience of Electronic Banking Services on the Relationship among Subjective Norm Behavioral Intention and Actual Use. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 8(2), 47–68. Retrieved from