Model Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students Vocational in Education for Enterprise Incubator Project


  • พรรณสิยา นิธิกิตติ์สุขเกษม Business Administration Faculty, Sukhothai Vocational College
  • บุญฑวรรณ วิงวอน Faculty of Management Science, Lampang Rajabhat University


The research aimed 1) to study vocational student’s inspiration, entrepreneur’s characteristic
and mentoring system of an incubator project 2) to study of the mentor system of an incubator
project that influence the vocational student’s intention and 3) to study the pattern of vocational
student’s entrepreneurial intentions in incubator project. By using the quantitative research method,
questionnaire was distributed to 428 incubator centers. The date was analyzed by descriptive
and inferential statistical method which were percentage, mean standard deviation and structural
equation model (SEM.)
The result from AMOS statistical software has shown the important of inspiration and
mentor system were rated at high level, while the entrepreneur’s characteristic and intensions
were rated at medium level. Moreover the consistency index of the structural eausal relationship
model has conformed to the empirical date, where χ2 = 165.153, df = 1.46, χ2 / df = 1.18,
GFI = .942, CFI = .987, RMR= .019, RMSEA = .023.
The results of hypothesis testing showed that Inspiration has a direct influence on the
entrepreneur’s characteristic, path coefficient value equal to .72. Entrepreneur’s characteristic
had direct effect toward entrepreneurial intentions, path coefficient value equal to .61, follow by
inspiration had direct effect toward the mentoring system mechanisms, path coefficient value equal
to .59, the mentoring system had direct effect toward entrepreneur’s characteristic, path coefficient
value equal to .18, and the mentoring system had direct effect toward entrepreneurial intentions,
path coefficient value equal to .17. Model entrepreneurial intentions of students vocational in
education for enterprise incubator project up to inspiration and entrepreneur’s characteristic,
but mentoring system was slightly important.




How to Cite

นิธิกิตติ์สุขเกษม พ., & วิงวอน บ. (2018). Model Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students Vocational in Education for Enterprise Incubator Project. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 7(1), 146–161. Retrieved from