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The research objectives aimed to 1) examine the current and desirable conditions of development guidelines based on upright school management standards, 2) assess the need for establishing these development guidelines, 3) enhance the development guidelines based on upright school management standards, and 4) evaluate the appropriateness and feasibility of the development guidelines based on upright school management standards in schools under Primary Educational Service Area Office Mukdahan. The sample consisted of 47 school administrators and 258 teachers, totaling 305 participants. The tools included a set of questionnaires, interview forms, and assessment forms for evaluating appropriateness and feasibility. The sample size was determined through simple random sampling using specified percentage criteria. Statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Priority Needs Index. (PNIModified).
The results revealed that: 1) The current conditions of upright school management standards were overall at a high level, while the desirable conditions were overall at the highest level; 2) The needs for upright school management standards were rated higher than the overall values in three areas, including personnel administration, general administration, and outcomes and success images; 3) The development guidelines are proposed covering (1) Academic Affairs Administration. Schools should define objectives, enhance and revise school curricula, establish measurement and evaluation processes, and cultivate the five characteristics of students in upright schools, (2) Budget Administration. Schools should manage income and expenses while considering value and maximizing benefits following the regulations, (3) Personnel Management. Schools should recruit, select, and hire individuals appropriately while recognizing, praising, and publicizing the contributions of school personnel, (4) General Administration. Schools should provide facilities, including buildings and opportunities for personnel, parents, and the community to participate in supervising, monitoring, and inspecting the school operations, (5) Outcomes and Success Images. Schools should achieve outcomes from the development of administrators, teachers, students, and schools themselves, along with evaluating morality and transparency in school operations based on the characteristics of upright schools, and 4) the evaluation results of the development guidelines based on upright school management standards were overall appropriate at the highest level and demonstrating a high level of possibility.
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