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Chabaprai Raksatan
Prakob Jaiman
Sujin Nukaew


This research aimed 1) to examine the elements of the blended learning management process and the phonics teaching method, 2) to develop and evaluate the efficiency of the blended learning management process with the phonics teaching method, and 3) to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed learning management process for enhancing English pronunciation skills of Prathomsuksa 3 students. The research and development approach (R&D) was employed. The sample, obtained through cluster sampling, consisted of 35 Prathomsuksa 3 students in the 2023 semester at Ban Pak Pa Ya School under Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 Nakhon Si Thammarat. Data collection tools included a document analysis form, an assessment form of English phonics pronunciation skills, and a satisfaction assessment form. The data were analyzed by content analysis, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t–test for Dependent Samples.

The research results showed that:

1. The blended learning management process comprised five components: 1) online learning, 2) offline learning, 3) student participation, 4)evaluation, and 5) media and equipment. The phonics teaching method involved four steps: Step 1 learning consonant and vowel sounds, Step 2 practicing oral blending of sounds to form words, Step 3 segmenting words into individual sounds and learning common exception words, along with their meanings, and Step 4 focusing on pronunciation and understanding the meaning of words.

2. The blended learning process integrated with the phonics teaching method consisted of five steps: Step 1: knowledge reviews. Step 2: learning consonants and vowel sounds. Step 3: Practice blending sounds. Step 4: segmenting words into individual sounds. Step 5: measurement and evaluation. The developed learning process achieved the E1/E2 efficiency of 77.71/75.23.

3. The effectiveness after the intervention revealed that:

3.1 The students’ learning achievement was significantly higher than before the intervention with a statistical significance level of .05.  

3.2 The students’ English pronunciation after the intervention was significantly higher than that before the intervention at the .05 level of significance. 

3.3 Students’ satisfaction with the developed learning process was overall at a high level.


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