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Surachai Numnaphol
Chinnarat Somsueb


The objectives of this research were to 1) explore the level of opinions and the relationship between demographic factors and the performance of the construction project on water supply and drainage, 2) to examine problems and obstacles in performing the construction project, and 3) to propose guidelines in preventing and solving problems emerging in the areas facing rapid changes. The quantitative-qualitative mixed method was used in this research. The study population consisted of residents, government officials, and community leaders. The qualitative method was conducted with 400 residents, whereas the quantitative method was conducted with ten participants, including government officials and community leaders.

 The sample group comprised men aged between 41 and 50 who were married, held associate degrees, worked as general laborers earning between 10,001 and 25,000 baht per month and had been residents of the areas for more than 5 to 10 years. The opinions toward participative irrigation management in Rayong province were overall at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.57, S.D. = 0.42). In terms of five sustainable development goals, the opinions were rated at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 3.74, S.D. = 0.39). The hypothesis testing indicated that demographic factors such as status, age, occupation, and duration of residency in the district affected the participative irrigation management in Rayong province differently at the 0.05 level of significance. The interviews further revealed differences in opinions among relevant government officials, community leaders, and newly settled residents.

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