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The objectives of this research were 1) to examine and analyze the potential of the downstream catchment area of Rajjaprabha Dam (Cheow Lan) in Surat Thani province, 2) to compare collaborative governance for developing the irrigation systems at the area downstream of Rajjaprabha Dam (Cheow Lan) in Surat Thani province, classified by demographic factors, and 3) to propose the Collaborative Governance Model for Irrigation Development Model in the aforementioned catchment area. The methodology of research was mixed methods research. Data gathering was divided into two steps: 1) collecting quantitative data by using a set of questionnaires on sample group of 390 residents from a randomly chosen sub–district in each of the three districts, using Yamane formula and then distributed proportionately to each of the sub–district; and 2) collecting qualitative data by interviewing sample groups of ten key stakeholders, including community leaders, government officials in locality, politicians in locality and business sectors, and relevant public educators or administrators.
The findings revealed that: 1) The potential of the areas receiving benefits from the dam, which comprises 113,000 rai of the downstream catchment area, and 74,000 rai of irrigation areas, covering three districts with eight sub–districts from Ban Ta Khun district, Khiri Rat Nikhom district, and Phunphin district. Residents in the downstream catchment area primarily engage in agriculture, focusing on agronomy and horticulture. Key economic crops include rubber, oil palm, coconuts, durians, and rambutans. Water from the Rajjaprabha Dam is usually released solely for electricity production, leading to water shortages during the dry season, especially in areas lacking adequate water storage and distribution systems, 2) Demographic factors, such as age and monthly income, affected the opinions toward the collaborative governance for developing irrigation systems in the downstream catchment areas differently at a statistically significant level of .05; whereas demographic factors, such as gender, marital status, education level, occupation, and the duration spent living in the districts concerned showed no differences at a statistically significant level of .05, and 3) The Collaborative Governance for Irrigation Development Model (CoGID Model) suggests that under the four pillars of the community, the collaboration across all sectors, social capital, network management, and participatory irrigation project management are essential to achieve security, wealth, and sustainability.
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