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Supatra Pasangkato
Arawan Nimtalung


The research objectives were to examine the efficiency of instructional reading packages to meet the 80/80 criteria, compare the reading ability of children with learning disabilities in reading before and after the intervention, and investigate knowledge retention in reading among children with learning disabilities before and after the intervention. The sample group comprised first key stage children with reading difficulties, possessing an average performance, and without multiple disabilities studying in schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. These children were part of the practicum experience conducted by pre-service teachers from the special education program of Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University in the first semester of the academic year 2015. The sample group, consisting of six participants, was selected through purposive sampling based on a learning problem survey developed by Prof. Dr. Phadung Arrayawinyoo from the Special Education Department at Srinakharinwirot University. The experimental research utilized a one-group pretest-posttest design. The research tools included instructional reading packages, lesson plans, and a test assessing word reading abilities. This experimental research involved children with learning disabilities in Prathomsuksa 2 and 3 in the first semester of the 2015 academic year, serving as the sample group. The experiment spanned six weeks, five times a week, with each session lasting 50 minutes, totaling 30 sessions. Statistical analysis included mean, standard deviation, and the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed-Ranks Test.

The research results indicated that the developed instructional reading packages attained an efficiency value of 94.08/90.63, which was higher than the specified criteria, confirming the established hypothesis. The reading ability of children with learning disabilities after the intervention was higher than those before the intervention at the .05 level of significance. Regarding knowledge retention in reading, it achieved 90.80 percent after the 7-day intervention, and 72.80 percent after the 30 day-intervention. These results fit within the expected range of 75 to 90 percent, aligning with the hypothesized criteria.

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