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Netsuwan Pramousup
Rapin Chuchuen
Paratchanun Charoenarpornwattana
Watunyoo Suwannaset


The objectives of this research were to 1) develop the external training registration system for personnel within the academic services unit in a hospital in Chonburi province, 2) evaluate the effectiveness of the developed system, and 3) examine the satisfaction of personnel toward the developed system. The five-stage ADDIE Model was implemented, covering: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The development tools included the PHP program and Notepad++.

The sample in this research was divided into three groups: Group 1 comprised medical doctors, nurses, and staff members from the academic committee of a hospital in Chonburi province. The focus group discussion was carried out with ten participants. Group 2 involved 18 stakeholders in designing and developing the developed system, and Group 3 consisted of 82 users, obtained through purposive sampling, including medical doctors, nurses, and staff members who utilized the developed system. Statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The results showed that: 1) The model development of the external training registration system for personnel consisted of seven components: Part 1, Homepage System;  Part 2, Training Request Submission; Part 3, Approval Review; Part 4, Information Search System; Part 5, Database and Reporting System; Part 6, Guidelines, Regulations, and External Training Expense Reimbursement and Manual; and Part 7, Service Satisfaction Survey System; 2) The effectiveness evaluation of the developed system was conducted by experts, revealing its high level of appropriateness; and 3) The overall user satisfaction with the developed system reached the highest level (mean = 4.87, S.D = 0.34), followed by the approval review (mean = 4.79, S.D = 0.41) and the database and reporting system (mean = 4.79, S.D = 0.41), respectively. Based on the assessment, the developed system significantly improved the efficiency of the academic services unit in a hospital in Chonburi province.

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