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Chukiat Muttakan


The research aimed 1) to investigate leadership in human resource management in the case of the elderly in Thailand, 2) to examine public policy strategies for the elderly in public sectors in Thailand (the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social Development and Human Security), and 3) to present a model of leadership in human resource management in utilizing the public policy strategies for the elderly in public sectors in Thailand. The mixed methods research was employed comprising document inquiries. The qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews with 39 specialists, whose expertise was in the field of the elderly, comprising government leaders, politicians, academia, and social workers. The quantitative data was collected from a set of questionnaires with 394 respondents, selected through Taro Yamane’s method at a confidence level of 95%.

            Results showed that the leadership in human resource management and the public policy strategies for the elderly in Thai public sectors was at the highest level with an average of 4.66. The research also revealed that 1) leadership in human resource management of elderly care in the Thai public sector involved prioritizing the provision of appropriate healthcare and ensuring the elderly’s physical and mental well-being, with generosity, and good moral conscience; 2) the public sector must implement the public policy strategies for the elderly focusing on health services and elderly cares. The imperative for health system reform demands earnest consideration. Shifting strategies from "prescription" medical care to promoting "proactive" healthcare is crucial. This transition can significantly enhance the effectiveness of the healthcare service system for families and holistic communities, and 3) The leadership model in human resource management for implementing the public policy strategies within the Thai public sector consisted of five types: 1) Leadership as Ambassador: This type emphasizes representation of public sectors and acts as ambassadors for elderly care, characterized by kindness and a good moral conscience, 2) Leadership in Strategy Management Execution: This leadership type focuses on efficient administrative management within the framework of public policy strategies, demonstrating a wholesome consciousness for elderly care, 3) Leadership in Strengthening Healthy Elderly: This leadership type prioritizes enhancing the health and well-being of the elderly population, 4) Leadership as Multi-Culturalist: This leadership approach emphrsizes on the ethical principles of administrative management within public policies of the elderly, emphasizing the ethics of care inr performing practices, and 5) Sacrificing and Compassionate Leadership: This type of leadership encompasses qualities of sacrifice and genuine concern for the well-being of the elderly.

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