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Anuk Somphong


The research objectives were to 1) examine conditions and problems of teaching and learning management, 2) design and develop teaching and learning management based on the collaborative team teaching approach, and 3) explore student satisfaction toward the developed teaching and learning management based on the collaborative team teaching approach. The participants of this study were selected through purposive sampling, including nine teachers and 250 students who enrolled in the Thai Society and Globalization course at Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University in the second semester of the academic year 2021, yielding a total of 259 participants. The research instrument was a set of questionnaires. The data were analyzed by using content analysis, mean, percentage, and standard deviation.

The research findings indicated that the current teaching and learning conditions were influenced by past educational practices. A majority of the problems stemmed from unsystematic practices, a lack of diversity in teaching approaches, and a compartmentalized teaching and learning system, which resulted in the uneven distribution of knowledge among students. Teachers were also compelled to teach topics outside their areas of expertise. In addition, the course content was inflexible and limited in its scope, leading to insufficient knowledge acquisition among students and hindered the development of other skills, such as evaluation and measurement, which were inconsistent with the course objectives, and student needs. The budget allocated to these activities was also insufficient, which impacted the provision of management services, and teaching and learning initiatives.

Based on the mentioned problem above, the researcher has developed a teaching model to address the issues using the ADDIE model as a framework for designing the learning process. The Collaborative Team-Teaching Approach (CTTA) was created, integrating the team-teaching approach with the design thinking process and a double-diamond design. The developed teaching model was implemented on the target audiences, and after the intervention, the results indicated a high level of student satisfaction with the teaching and learning management utilizing the team-teaching approach (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.20), with the teacher aspect reaching the highest level. When considering each aspect, the teaching team was found to be approachable, attentive, and conducive to student input at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.30).

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