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The objectives of this research were 1) to examine the current and desirable conditions, and necessity needs for developing ethical leadership of private school administrators in Loei Province, 2) to establish guidelines for developing ethical leadership of private school administrators in Loei Province, and 3) to assess the developed guidelines for improving ethical leadership of private school administrators in Loei Province.The mixed methodology research approach was employed, including quantitative and qualitative elements. The research phases consisted of three phases: Phase 1- the study of current and desirable conditions, and priority needs for developing ethical leadership of private school administrators in Loei Province, Phase 2- the establishment of guidelines for developing ethical leadership of private school administrators in Loei Province, and Phase 3- the assessment of the developed guidelines. The sample for a survey included school administrators and teachers in private schools in Loei Province, totaling 274 participants. The target groups consisted of three schools for a multiple case study, 13 scholars for a focus group discussion, and five experts for criterion-referenced assessment. The research tools included a set of questionnaires and a semi-structured interview form. Data were analyzed by frequency, mean, standard deviation, content analysis, and presented in descriptive analysis.
The findings were as follows: 1. The current and desirable conditions in the development of ethical leadership of private school administrators in Loei Province revealed that the current conditions of ethical leadership development of private school administrators in Loei Province were overall at a high level (= 4.20, S.D.= 0.97) and the desirable conditions were overall at the highest level (
= 4.41, S.D. = 0.62). 2. The priority needs (PNI) of the guidelines for developing the ethical leadership of private school administrators in Loei Province showed a PNI(modified) from 0.06 to 0.13 overall and each aspect (PNImodified= 0.09), and were respectively sorted in descending order as follows: principles of virtue (PNI(modified) = 0.13), being a good role model (PNI(modified) = 0.12), vision (PNI(modified)= 0.09), responsibility (PNI = 0.08), and honesty (PNI(modified) = 0.06). 3. The guidelines for developing ethical leadership of private school administrators in Loei Province consisted of five components as follows: 3.1 Vision comprised two development guidelines: Administrators should have 1) a vision for work management to keep pace with contemporary changes, and 2) ethical leadership for developing organizations efficiently. 3.2 Honesty comprised three development guidelines: Administrators should 1) manage organizations with honesty. 2) adhere to morals and ethics with open-mindedness to listen to the opinions of others and protect the benefits of the educational institutions, and 3) devote themselves to the development of educational institutions willingly. 3.3 Responsibility comprised three development guidelines: Administrators should have 1) knowledge, ability, and responsibility to the organization, 2) decentralized decision-making powers to teachers and personnel according to the job responsibilities, and 3) foster a positive work climate. 3.4 Adherence to the principles of good morals comprised three development guidelines: Administrators should 1) be good role models for working in educational institutions, 2) develop themselves according to Buddhist principles, focusing on the common good rather than the personal benefits, and 3) have good human relations with teachers and personnel in educational institutions and other people. 3.5 Being role models comprised three development guidelines: Administrators should 1) be role models in self-domination, dominance, and professions, 2) maintain disciplines regularly according to professional ethics, and 3) promote the image of educational institutions. 4. The experts’ criterion-referenced assessment for the guidelines for developing ethical leadership of private school administrators in Loei Province was overall at the highest level (
= 4.89, S.D.=0.19). When considering each aspect, all aspects were at the highest level and ranged in descending order as follows: usefulness (
= 4.91, S.D. = 0.21), followed by appropriateness (
= 4.89, S.D. = 0.19), and feasibility (
= 4.83, S.D.= 0.39).
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