การจัดการเรียนรู้แบบโครงงานที่เน้นสัมมาอาชีพของครู โรงเรียนพระปริยัติธรรม วัดป่าตาลใต้ จังหวัดเชียงราย
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This research aimed to 1) develop project-based learning management focusing on the Right Livelihood of teachers at the Buddhist General Scripture School of Wat Patantai, and 2) examine problems in managing project-based learning emphasizing the Right Livelihood of teachers at the Buddhist General Scripture School of Wat Patantai. The sample consisted of 12 teachers, and 118 Buddhist novice students, yielding a total of 130 participants at the Buddhist General Scripture School of Wat Patantai, Chiang Rai Province. The research was divided into two phases, where the first phase was to develop teachers’ skills in managing project-based learning focusing on the Right Livelihood. The second phase was related to investigating teachers’ problems in managing project-based learning focusing on the Right Livelihood. The research tools were: 1) an evaluation form for lesson plans, 2) an evaluation form for teachers’ learning management skills, 3) an evaluation form for assessing project performance skills of Buddhist novice students, 4) Buddhist novice students’ satisfaction questionnaires towards learning activities, and 5) an interview form on problems about teachers’ project-based learning management focusing on the Right Livelihood at the Buddhist General Scripture School of Wat Patantai. The statistics for quantitative data analysis were mean and standard deviation and qualitative content analysis. The results of the research were as follows: 1. The results from the development of teachers’ project-based learning management focusing on Right Livelihood at the Buddhist General Scripture School of Wat Patantai revealed that. 1.1 Teachers were able to create high-quality project-based learning lesson plans focusing on the Right Livelihood, which was rated at the highest level. 1.2 Teachers’ management skills in project-based learning focusing on the Right Livelihood after the intervention were higher than before the intervention at the .05 level of significance. 1.3 The Buddhist novice students improved their project work skills on the Right Livelihood at a high level. 1.4 The Buddhist novice students were satisfied with project-based learning activities focusing on the Right Livelihood at a high level. 2. The first three concerns of teachers in project-based learning management with an emphasis on the Right Livelihood were discovered as follows: 1) The Buddhist novice students lacked creativity and motivation for project works, 2) The Buddhist novice students were unable to connect the project preparation with the Right Livelihood from learning resources, and 3) Teachers lacked the necessary digital skills to assist students with project works.
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