ปัจจัยที่ส่งผลต่อสัมฤทธิผลการบริหารงานบุคคลขององค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น ในเขตอำเภอพรรณานิคม จังหวัดสกลนคร

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Pongjai Pakmoei
Chardchai Udomkijmongkol
Sanyasorn Swasthaisong


The purposes of this research were: 1) to investigate the level of organizational culture and transformational leadership of administrators of the Local Government Organizations (LGOs) in Phanna Nikhom District, Sakon Nakhon Province, 2) to examine the level of achievement of personnel management, and 3) to study the influences of the organizational culture and transformational leadership on the achievement of personnel management. The samples consisted of 253 personnel of the LGOs in Phanna Nikhom District, Sakon Nakhon Province, selected through proportional sampling and simple random sampling. The instrument for data collection was a set of questionnaires. Statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple linear regression analysis. The findings revealed that: 1. The organizational culture of the LGOs, as a whole was at a high level. Also, the transformational leadership of the administrators of the LGOs, as a whole was at a high level. 2. The achievement of personnel management of the LGOs as a whole was at a high level in all aspects 3. The organizational culture in terms of the involvement culture, adaptability culture, and mission culture, significantly influenced and were able to predict the achievement of personnel management of the LGOs at the .05 level of significance with 53.10 percent. The transformational leadership of administrators in terms of idealized influence and intellectual stimulation had significant influences and were able to predict the achievement of personnel management of the LGOs at the .05 level of significance with 52.50 percent.

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