ปัจจัยที่ส่งผลต่อการมีส่วนร่วมของประชาชนในการส่งเสริมการท่องเที่ยว ชุมชนท่องเที่ยว OTOP นวัตวิถี ในเขตอำเภอนาทม จังหวัดนครพนม

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ขนิจฐา ชัยบิล
สามารถ อัยกร
ละมัย ร่มเย็น


The purposes of this research were: 1) to investigate public participation in promoting Nawatwithi OTOP Tourism Community in Na Thom District, Nakhon Phanom Province, 2) to compare the level of public participation in promoting Nawatwithi OTOP Tourism Community classified by participants’ personal characteristics, 3) to explore influences of economic, social, environmental and cultural factors affecting public participation in promoting Nawatwithi OTOP Tourism Community, and 4) to examine guidelines for developing public participation in promoting Nawatwithi OTOP Tourism Community. The samples, obtained through stratified random sampling, consisted of 394 residents in Na Thom District, Nakhon Phanom Province. The research instrument employed for data collection was a set of questionnaires. Statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t–test, One–Way ANOVA, and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis.

The findings were as follows:

  1. The factors affecting public participation in promoting Nawatwithi OTOP Tourism Community in Na Thom District, Nakhon Phanom Province, as a whole were at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.85) with all high-level aspects.

  2. Public participation in promoting Nawatwithi OTOP Tourism Community as a whole was at a high level  (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.04).

  3. Public participation in promoting Nawatwithi OTOP Tourism Community, classified by personal characteristics in terms of educational background, occupation, monthly incomes, and locations of their residences in individual subdistricts, differed as a whole at a statistical significance of .05 level, while gender and age showed no difference. The cultural factor (gif.latex?\ss = .412), social factor (gif.latex?\ss= .231), environmental factor (gif.latex?\ss=.217), and economic factor (gif.latex?\ss = .162) significantly influenced on public participation at .05 statistical level. With the predictive coefficient of .811, these factors could be used to correctly predict public participation in promoting Nawatwithi OTOP Tourism Community in Na Thom District, Nakhon Phanom Province to 80.90 percent.

  4. The guidelines for developing public participation in promoting Nawatwithi OTOP Tourism Community in Na Thom District, Nakhon Phanom Province were proposed as follows: Public sector organizations should considerably increase their performance on encouraging public participation, and build public awareness to see the benefits in making contributions in accordance with their capability, supporting public participation through local culture and activities exhibitions, such as trade fair/exhibition of local products, providing opportunities for public participation to suggest or present new forms of tourism, and offering the trainings for pubic to improve tourism patterns/models, at the same time increase public involvement.

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