การพัฒนาคู่มือการนิเทศภายในของโรงเรียนในเครือข่ายท่าฉาง สังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาประถมศึกษาสุราษฎร์ธานี เขต 2

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ศุภรัตน์ จิระโสภา
โสภณ เพ็ชรพวง
นัฏจรีย์ เจริญสุข


The purposes of this research were to: 1)examine the problems of internal supervision and learning management, 2) to develop an internal supervision manual, and 3)to implement the developed internal supervision manual for schools in Thachang Network under the Suratthani Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The research procedure consisted of three steps as follows: Step 1: Investigation on problems of internal supervision and learning management. The samples were 134 respondents, including school administrators and teachers, selected by simple random sampling. The research instrument was a set of questionnaires with a reliability of 0.91. Data were analyzed by using basic statistical tools including mean and standard deviation; Step 2: Development of the internal supervision manual in terms of content validity with five experts; Step 3: Implementation of the internal supervision manual. The key informants included a teacher as a head of academic affairs from each school, yielding a total of 17 respondents. The instrument was an assessment form for the consistency of the developed manual, which yielded a reliability of 0.89. Data were analyzed by using basic statistical tools, including mean and standard deviation. The research findings were as follows: 1) The problems of school internal supervisions were at a moderate level which were ranked in descending order: internal supervision activities, internal supervision guidelines, internal supervision tools, and internal supervision evaluation. 2) The problems of learning management as a whole were at a moderate level which were ranked in descending order: various teaching methods, learning management according to the 21st century, active learning approach, creativity-based learning management, problem-based learning management, and brain-based learning management. 3) The developed manual consisted of Chapter 1 Introduction; Chapter 2 School Internal Supervision; Chapter 3, Learning Management Models; and Chapter 4 Summary. The results regarding the consistency of the manual evaluated by the experts revealed that all components showed the consistency index of 0.50 or above. 4) The results after the implementation showed that the appropriateness of the manual was at the highest level in overall ranking in descending order: design, language use, book format, contents, and content management.

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