แนวทางส่งเสริมคุณภาพการให้บริการของศูนย์วิทยบริการ สำนักวิทยบริการและเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสกลนคร

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ศศธร มาศสถิตย์


The purposes of this research were to investigate the conditions, problems and service quality provided by the Academic Resource Center and to propose the guidelines for promoting the service quality provided by the Academic Resource Center at Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University. The population comprised personnel and members of the Academic Resource Center, yielding a total of 821 people. The sample of 283 people was selected through proportional stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a set of questionnaires concerning service quality using the LibQUAL+ TM questionnaire for measuring perception and expectation of service providers and users in five factors, namely: 1) services, 2) information technology, 3) environment, 4) information resources, and 5) personnel. Statistics used were percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation.

            The findings were as follows:

  1.      The service conditions revealed that 79.15 percent of service users were female and 20.9 percent of users were males. The majority of service users or 88.4 percent were undergraduate students with 45.2 percent from Faculty of Education. In reference of the frequency of receiving services, the majority of the users or 32.2 visited library occasionally. They also highlighted that 49.3 percent of the respondents visited the library during 12.01 - 13.00 p.m. and 53 percent visited the library for reading purposes, followed by database searching (51.1 percent), and the Internet service (45.5 percent).

  2.      In terms of service problems, the service quality of the resource center was acceptable, but not meeting the expected requirements. The respondents further posited the least satisfaction with the following subfactors, including services-renewing a book in person, information technology- provision of external resource services, environment-the spaciousness of service facilities, information resources- information resource integrity, and personnel-research knowledge. In terms of problems in using services, the responses were summarized covering five subfactors: inadequate computers, inadequate wireless network service points, inadequate drinking water service points, inadequate printed and electronic journals, personnel being unable to convey what they had learned to others.

  3.      The service quality achieved the acceptable criterion, but not meeting the needs or expectations of service users.

  4.      The guidelines for promoting service quality provided by the Academic Resource Center included: service providing development plans, surveying users’ needs and services, holding personnel meeting to create development plans, and 4) operational monitoring and evaluation. In addition, the researchers also proposed approaches for development and refinement of services provided by Academic Resource Center.

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