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This research article studies the lessons learned from the successful community-based agriculture of Thai medicinal herbs in Thap Yai Chiang Subdistrict, Phrom Phiram District, Phitsanulok Province, under the conditions of economic, political, socio-cultural, and infrastructural contexts. This study employs qualitative research methods, consisting of document analysis and interviews, categorized into three groups: 1) Government officials (6 individuals), 2) Local residents, farmers, and traditional medicine practitioners (5 individuals), and 3) Business sector, factory, production, and processing group (3 individuals). The tools used include interview guidelines, and the gathered information is summarized for analysis. Key findings from this research are as follows: 1) The structure of the organizational relationship is in a semi-formal format with the designated roles and responsibilities of the organization, with a consultant and coordinator for the organization and increased organizational capabilities. The decisions are made collectively using majority rule, and external consultants with knowledge in medicinal herbs are consulted in both the hospital sector and relevant governmental agencies. 2) As a prototype area that has succeeded in the development and consolidation of agricultural communities of Thai medicinal herbs, it relies on internal and external factors, including determining the selling price, interest rates for members, and production and service procedures. 3) Conditions of economic, political, socio-cultural, and infrastructural contexts. The critical issue in this research is that the development and consolidation of agricultural communities of Thai medicinal herbs depend on the cooperation of all sectors, especially in areas such as pricing, rate of interest, production procedures, and the provision of services. The research aims to contribute to the policy direction and strategies of the province for increasing the income of the agricultural workforce in the area who plant medicinal herbs in other regions.
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