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This research and development aimed to develop a model of an aging rehabilitation and nursing home of Uttaradit Rajabhat University. The 77 key informants selected from stakeholders consisted of relevant aging care executives, public and private sectors’ practitioners, and entrepreneurs in Uttaradit Province. The data were collected by using documentary analysis, a set of in-depth interview and focus group discussion issues; then, the collected data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that there were 4 components. First, the input components consisted of Uttaradit Rajabhat University and Uttaradit Hospital as the principal operational partners, public sectors, private sectors, professional human resouces, budgets, buildings, supplies, and service programs. Second, the process components covered daycare and overnight care services, affordable service fee suitable for the target groups’ application with a summative payment system and the nursing home’s self-sufficiencicy. A promotion of lifelong education would be given to the elderly along with the university students’ and caregivers’ practicum. Third, the model’s driving mechanism was based on social network, in which needs assessment was carried out by stakeholders and participatory knowledge management was among the ministerial and provincial officials, particularly Uttaradit Rajabhat University and community partners. Fourth, the expected outcomes would consist of healthy and well-being elderly people, aging-friendly environment, and aging-friendly university. The model evaluation results indicated the feasibility and appropriateness of the “eldely home’s” establishment with its features and components, including a new innovative body of knowledge development with operational outcomes in terms of financial, aging health and social values with the target groups’ digital and face-to-face communicability.

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