The Development of Model of Online Learning Using Self-Regulated Learning Strategy and Analytical Thinking Process of Undergraduate Students

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This present research aimed to (1) develop a model of online learning using self-regulated strategy and analytical thinking process of the undergraduate students, and (2) study results of using the model of online learning using self-regulated strategy and analytical thinking process of the undergraduate students. The samples included 119 of 2nd year undergraduate students, majoring in Education, School of Education, University of Phayao who enrolled in the course 161211 Communication and Digital technology in Education in the first semester, academic year 2021. They were selected purposively.

The results indicated that 1) there were 4 steps of developing model of online learning
and the level of suitability was high, 2) the results of the study of utilizing the model of online learning can be concluded  accordingly: (2.1) the overall results of the undergraduate student’s self-regulated leaning was high, (2.2) the comparative study of pretest and posttest scores of the undergraduate students showed that the posttest scores were higher than that of the pretest at the level of statistical significance .05, and (2.3) the results of the comparing the analytical thinking scores with the set criteria of 70 % was that the undergraduate students gained the post study scores higher than 70% of the total scores at the level of statistical significance .05.

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