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chaowarit chancheen


This research aimed to design and develop a massive open online course (MOOC) in the course “STEM Information Technology” and investigate the outcome of the instructional management of the massive open online course.  The population of this study consisted of specialists in network system technology. The samples of this experimental study were 100 undergraduate students from Educational Technology majors and Computer Science majors from the Faculty of Education of Uttaradit Rajabhat University selected by purposive sampling. The findings showed that instructional management for the massive open online course (MOOC) in the course STEM Information Technology consisted of 10 contents within two main parts. The introduction part is composed of a presentation of the course, and the course syllabus. The structure of this course contained contents of information technology and home economics: Integration of STEM and guideline for instructional management: STEM and 21st Century: Integration of STEM activities for communication and computer maintenance: economic use of information computer technology: devices for problem-solving and burglar alarms: and Examples of integration of ICT and instruction in educational institutes.  The results on the efficiency of massive open online courses (MOOC) in the course STEM Information Technology revealed that the efficiency (E1/E2) was at 88.8/91.6 which was higher than the criteria of 80/80. Additionally, the mean scores of the students’ satisfaction toward instructional management for the massive open online course in the course STEM Information Technology was at a high level of 4.34.

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