รูปแบบการจัดการเรียนรู้บูรณาการสหวิชาการสำหรับครูยุคใหม่สร้างเด็กไทย 4.0 สำหรับนักเรียนช่วงชั้นที่ 3 The Integrated Interdisciplinary Learning Management Model for Teachers in Development Thai Children 4.0 for Grade 7-9 students
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The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop the integrated interdisciplinary learning management model for teachers in development Thai children 4.0 for grade 7-9 students, 2) to experiment the integrated interdisciplinary learning management model for teachers in development Thai children 4.0 for grade 7-9 students, and 3) to evaluate the integrated interdisciplinary learning management model for teachers in development Thai children 4.0 for grade 7-9 students. The researcher was followed the 3 research phases: phase 1 was to develop the integrated interdisciplinary learning management model by recruiting teachers to receive practical training and cooperate with model development base on constructivism. The model were evaluated the quality by 5 experts. Phase 2 was the experimental stage of the integrated interdisciplinary learning management model, the samples were 17 students in Matthayom suksa 1 at Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University Demonstration school, academic year 2020. They were obtained by using cluster random sampling technique. The experiment took 10 weeks and the evaluation of students’ Achievement and the scientific problem solving ability. Phase 3 was the evaluation stage of the integrated interdisciplinary learning management model, the evaluation were based on the adapted the evaluation standard criteria of The Joint Committee on Standards for Education Evaluation and students’ satisfaction on activities participation by questionnaire with 5 rating scales. The research results show that, 1) The outcome of designing the integrated interdisciplinary learning management model for teachers in development Thai children 4.0 the development based on the Problem base learning in Bueng Boraphet for 3 times per week (2 hours per time) total 10 weeks. The evaluation of the integrated interdisciplinary learning management model were on the highest quality according to experts’ evaluation. 2) Achievement and scientific problem solving ability of students who participated had statistical significantly higher than before at the 0.01 level. 3) They were agreed that the integrated interdisciplinary learning management model for grade 7-9 students were on the highest quality, and students’ satisfaction with integrated interdisciplinary learning management were on the highest
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