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tragoonpech kaewpileuk
Wiwat Petsri
Chayaniti Beardy
Siriphon Yuprasert


The research of learning package on playing recorder flute according to Zoltan Kodaly’s concept for Matthayomsuksa 1 students had the purposes: (1) to develop the learning package on playing recorder flute according to Zoltan Kodaly’s concept for Matthayomsuksa 1 students to be effective according to the 80/80 criterion, (2) to compare achievement and skill in playing recorder flute before and after studying with the learning package on playing recorder flute according to Zoltan Kodaly’s concept using the 80 percent criterion, and (3) to study the students’ satisfaction towards the learning package on playing recorder flute according to Zoltan Kodaly’s concept.  The sample was a group of 25 Matthayomsuksa 1 students under Yasothon Primary Education Service Area Office 1. The research instruments included: a lesson plan on playing recorder flute according to Zoltan Kodaly’s concept, an achievement test on playing recorder flute, a skill test on playing recorder flute and a satisfaction questionnaire towards the learning package on playing recorder flute.  The statistics used in testing the hypothesis was


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How to Cite
kaewpileuk, tragoonpech, Petsri, W., Beardy , C., & Yuprasert, S. (2022). ไทย. INTERDISCIPLINARY SOCIAL SCIENCES AND COMMUNICATION JOURNAL, 5(2), 103–110. Retrieved from


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