The Surveillance and Monitoring of Marketing Communication in Promoting the Powdered Milk Products in Rayong, Chanthaburi, and Trat provinces that violate the act of regulating marketing promotion of Infants and Young Child Food, 2017

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Bavonsan Chiadamrong
Muanfun Kongsomsawaeng
Sompong Sengmanee


This research aims to pursue the advertising strategies and the marketing promotion’s the milk powder for infants and young children in Rayong, Chanthaburi, and Trat provinces. It also analyzes the advertising strategies and the marketing promotion’s the milk powder that violate the act of regulating marketing promotion of Infants and Young Child Food, 2017 through the qualitative research approach by pursuing the advertising strategies and the marketing promotion through surveillance networks in social media. Then, the data obtained were analyzed by comparing with the section that noted, it violates the law.

The research results were found that it appears the advertising strategies and the marketing promotion of the milk powder for infant and young child in Rayong, Chanthaburi, and Trat provinces which is a centrally designed the advertising and marketing promotion and published via social media channels rather than designed and organized the advertising and marketing activities in the area of the three provinces as mentioned. For the advertising strategies and the marketing promotion were found that (1) the advertising by retargeting from online stores (2) the advertising via Facebook (3) the advertising via search engine (4) the ready-to-buy advertising (5) Banner in application (6) show that the label is on sale, and (7) price reduction of coupled items. When using the data to analyze the fault composition compares with each section, it was found that the strategies violated section 14 that specify no person shall advertise infant food and section 18(1) that specify shall not carry out providing or giving a coupon or an entitlement to a discount or conducting a tie-in sale or an exchange for or a grant of a prize, a gift or any other article.

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How to Cite
Chiadamrong, B., Kongsomsawaeng, M. ., & Sengmanee, S. . (2022). The Surveillance and Monitoring of Marketing Communication in Promoting the Powdered Milk Products in Rayong, Chanthaburi, and Trat provinces that violate the act of regulating marketing promotion of Infants and Young Child Food, 2017. INTERDISCIPLINARY SOCIAL SCIENCES AND COMMUNICATION JOURNAL, 5(3), 51–62.


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