การส่งเสริมพัฒนาคุณภาพชีวิตและการเรียนรู้ตลอดชีวิตของผู้สูงอายุ ในเขตองค์การบริหารส่วนตำบลแม่กัวะ อำเภอสบปราบ จังหวัดลำปาง

Main Article Content

ธนกร สิริสุคันธา
นภาวรรณ เนตรประดิษฐ์
พรนภา บุญนำมา


This research had the objectives to promote community participation in
quality of life development for the elderly and to find a guideline for life-long
learning of the elderly in Maegua sub-district administration organization, Sobprap
district, Lampang province. It is a qualitative research with the sample group of
the elderly, officers of the sub-district health promotion hospital, sub-district head,
village heads, government officials or members of the local government, public
health volunteers in the community and relatives of the elderly totaled 60 persons.
The research tools consisted of observations, in-depth interviews and group
discussion and the received data were classified into categories then used
contents analysis and frequencies to support description.

The findings revealed the promotion of community participation in life
quality development for the elderly should stress the promotion of participation
in thinking and planning to make the community search for the causes, the needs,
the necessity including the choices to accept or refuse activities to develop life quality
of the elderly. For the follow-up and evaluation should encourage the conclusion
whether the quality of life development exists according to expectation or not.
For life-long learning of the elderly that supports the skills so the elderly
could care for themselves, have a good and healthy body and mind, develop a
quality of life, social abilities and life-long learning. The appropriate area is the Elderly
Local Wisdom School or Honghean Poompayapanya of Maegua sub-district to create
inter-personal reactions and the abilities to adapt and live with others in the society.

Article Details



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