
  • Mirna Amanda Alvarado NAVAS Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies, Rangsit University, Thailand
  • Sasiphattra SIRIWATO Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies, Rangsit University, Thailand




Gender Equality, Diplomacy, Executive Roles, Women Representation, Gender Parity


Gender equality has been identified as the 5th Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations, aiming to end violence against women and girls, establish fairness in the distribution of capabilities, and promote women in decision-making positions. The Global Gender Gap Report of 2023 revealed that Guatemala ranked the lowest in Latin America, and 117th among the 146 countries measured in the report. This research aims to identify the gender equality challenges experienced by women in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala and propose recommendations for improvement of the situation, especially in gaining promotions. A qualitative design was utilized in this research, and semi-structured interviews were employed among nine participants holding executive positions in the Ministry. The data revealed two main challenges in the study. The first is Guatemala has no governing authority to enforce gender laws to the fullest extent. The second is strong patriarchal norms affect executive roles and skills training opportunities among women. This study proposes three recommendations. The first is to pass the bill for the creation of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family to fully enforce the law and create a system for gender-responsive actions. The second is to employ a gender quota policy to achieve a fairer distribution of executive roles within the government. The final recommendation is to provide flexible work options and support facilities for working women. This would enable women to cope with work and family obligations and afford nursing or care facilities while training and networking.


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How to Cite

Alvarado NAVAS, M. A., & SIRIWATO, S. (2024). EXAMINING GENDER EQUALITY IN GUATEMALA: A CASE STUDY OF GENDER EQUALITY IN THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF GUATEMALA. Asian Crime and Society Review, 11(2), 21–43. https://doi.org/10.14456/acsr.2024.10