Knowledge-Scape of Research on Politics of Environment in Thailand


  • Parada Chainikom Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Phetchabun Rajabhat University, Thailand


Knowledge-Scape, Politics of Environment, Green Politics, Political Ecology, Thailand


This research aims to study knowledge-scape of research on politics of environment in Thailand. The qualitative research is used for compiling, reviewing, and analyzing 99 academic paper works in Thailand. The research findings revealed that there were various academic studies about the politics of environment in Thailand. These works are categorized into 18 main issues; namely social movements, overview and review articles, social construction of identity and nature, social issues and conservation, feminist political ecology and gender, natural resource management, urban political ecology, land tenure and access, international development, corporations and environmental justice, environmental politics on public policy, natural threat, political ecology of health, climate change and carbon, indigenous people and environmental politics, border issues and struggles, migration and environment and postcolonial theory. However, the politics of environment are mostly various and complicated. Recommendation from this study were in-depth study, specification and expansion of study including more researched for academic purposes and research papers to transit for practical actions.




How to Cite

Chainikom, P. (2022). Knowledge-Scape of Research on Politics of Environment in Thailand. Asian Crime and Society Review, 9(1), 23–30. retrieved from