Experiences to Develop Collaboration Mechanism between State, Citizen, and Community Thailand


  • Korakod Tongkachok Thaksin University
  • Krisda Apinawatawornkul Faculty of Law, Thaksin University, Thailand


Experiences to Develop, State, Citizen, Community


This research on Experiences to Develop Collaboration Mechanism between State, Citizen, and Community aims to analyze the experiences on State duties creating citizen and community rights for monitoring or accelerating State performance, and creating the right to sue State organ. It also aims to suggest the development pathway of citizen rights and freedom, as well as the mechanism for the State to perform its duties under the Constitution effectively. The research methodology is examined by reviewing related documents, holding a meeting including focus group to 26 state organs officials and community representative. The result of the research shows on the issue of the education problem that the form is over considered by State organs. The mechanism during education management between State and citizen should balance the education power by giving an opportunity to other agencies to have rights on education creation and management in a parallel with State. While currently natural resource management, the problem occurs by management without unity due to the accordance with the way of life. By this, State and private sectors play as supporters for learning which is essential for further development in resource management. This can be exercised by inviting the community to have a role in the management because this is important for the existence of society. Moreover, it can be performed by strengthening the citizen to be involved in the participation effectively, and this will lead to stipulate the pathway of the practice of related persons in natural resource management, balanced and sustainable development. The result also recommends that the institution for participation mechanism development in natural resource management should be established to solve the legal problem which does not accord with citizen participation. Hence, the law reform is needed in order to support the rights of citizen in participating in resource and environment management, in order to enact the law to support the rights of citizen, community, as well as support and develop community environment management, including the use of process to create a local regulation for the local management with sustainability. Moreover, this should be in the local regulation in accordance with the form of the local government organization, especially in education management, natural resource management. By this, the creation of a mechanism between State and citizen, the community is recommended. Lastly, to be used successfully, the provincial administration organization should be the key agent to drive every-level of local government organizations to participate in the strategy in order to seek the form of the management mechanism between State and citizen.




How to Cite

Tongkachok, K., & Apinawatawornkul, K. (2020). Experiences to Develop Collaboration Mechanism between State, Citizen, and Community Thailand. Asian Crime and Society Review, 7(1), 1–9. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/IJCLSI/article/view/244776