Music Teacher Desirable Characteristics in Non-formal Private Music School: Case Study KPN Music Academy in Samutprakarn Province


  • Pannapat Kritpet -
  • Saya Thuntawech Chulalongkorn University


music teacher characteristics, teacher training, non-formal private music school


This research aimed to investigate the perspectives of music teachers regarding the coveted characteristics of non-formal private school music teachers and to formulate recommendations for fostering these qualities among music teaching professionals. The study adopted a case study approach, focusing on KPN Music Academy in Samut Prakan Province. The participants were comprised of music teachers affiliated with three branches of KPN Music Academy in the province, namely KPN JAS Srinakarin, KPN Robinson Samut Prakan, and KPN Mega Bangna, totaling 71 individuals. The research employed a survey instrument incorporating both quantitative and qualitative inquiries. The results showed the following results: 1) Three desirable characteristics include proficiency in music, pedagogical knowledge, and individual personality. Regarding individual characteristics, a positive attitude, friendliness and, above all, adaptability is considered the most important and desirable characteristic. 2) Proposed guidelines for cultivating these characteristics encompassed engagement in specialized topics, participation in online training programs, provision of individualized mentoring, and the orchestration of collaborative activities for teachers, staffs, and administrators to foster mutual understanding. Specifically, the organized content should delve into the psychology of music pedagogy, while guidelines for instruction and curriculum utilization should be established to uphold educational standards within the institutional framework.



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How to Cite

Kritpet, P., & Thuntawech, S. (2024). Music Teacher Desirable Characteristics in Non-formal Private Music School: Case Study KPN Music Academy in Samutprakarn Province. Journal of Education Studies, 52(1), EDUCU5201003 (17 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2024.3. Retrieved from