A study of status quo and factors affecting student’s decision making of perusing to study in Bachelor of Science Education Programme

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Jittima Thisuwan
Surapong Rattana
Thidaporn Souysaart
Thanyawadee Pinakano
Kanjanawadee Prasittisa
Pairoh Sohsomboon


Regarding a crisis situation in a university with fewer students enrolled. The aim of this research is to study the status quos and factors that influence student’s decision- making to pursue a higher education in science education programme in five areas: 1) the image of the faculty/university, 2) the curriculum, 3) the teaching facilities and equipment, 4) the atmosphere and environment of the university, and 5) the welfare and service aspects. In order to be an information to plan and improve the programme to attract more students. Survey research was implemented in this research. The participations in the research were secondary school students, bachelor students who study in science education programme, and students who have completed from science education programme. Research instrument was questionnaire which had designed into 2 sections, the first section intended to search about general information of the respondents, the second section was designed to elicit the respondent’s opinions through seven open-ended questions. The total number of respondents was 101 people who were domiciled in northeastern region. Data will be interpreted and categorized regarding qualitative analysis.

Research finding revealed that the most important factors influencing student’s decision making to study in science education programme were passion for science subject and desire to be work in education sector as science teacher. Therefore, students will look for to study in science education programme, which is considered to be an internal factor. Whereas, external factors that influence student’s decision making include attractiveness, reliability of the management and lecturers of the programme following by the reputation of the faculty/university, the atmosphere and environment of the university/faculty, and welfare, services, and the teaching facilities and equipment respectively

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How to Cite
J. Thisuwan, S. Rattana, T. Souysaart, T. Pinakano, K. Prasittisa, and P. Sohsomboon, “A study of status quo and factors affecting student’s decision making of perusing to study in Bachelor of Science Education Programme”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 64–88, Sep. 2024.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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