The Grounded Theory of the Curriculum Implementation of the Intensive English Course (IEC) of laboratory primary school

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Warittha Bunthamma
sanit srikoon


This study presented a theoretical conclusion from the curriculum implementation of the laboratory primary school's Intensive English Course (IEC). It is qualitative research to construct a grounded theory. The study used purposive sampling with six key informants. The data was collected by in-depth interview, observation, and note-taking. Then, the data was analyzed with four steps: 1) Open Coding, 2) Axial Coding, 3) Selective Coding, and 4) Developing a theory. The result showed a theoretical conclusion.

(1) The laboratory primary school's Intensive English Course (IEC) performance includes 1.1) Planning: It is collaborative planning between Thai and foreign teachers. 1.2) Doing: Working which support school visions. 1.3) Assessment includes two parts: an assessment of teachers’ performances and students’ assessments. 1.4) Reflection has two parts: the reflection between Thai teachers and foreign teachers and the reflection from teachers to students.

(2) Factors affecting the successful performance were the following: 2.1) Teachers’ role, which worked as a team, self-development, and encouraged students to study. 2.2) Parents who care for students and support the school’s activities. 2.3) Students are eager to learn, and 2.4) School policies that support learning English.

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How to Cite
W. . Bunthamma and sanit srikoon, “The Grounded Theory of the Curriculum Implementation of the Intensive English Course (IEC) of laboratory primary school”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 13–31, Sep. 2024.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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