Conceptual Change on Climate Change of 7 Graders Through Model-Based Inquiry (MBI)

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Patthareeya Thaweejit
Jiradawan Huntula


The purpose of this research was to study students' conceptual change in Climate Change through Model-Based Inquiry (MBI). The target group was 29 students who studied in grade 7 during the second semester in 2015 at a Nongnakhamwittayakom school in Khon Kaen province, Thailand. The research methodology was pre-experimental design as a one-group pretest-posttest. The research instruments used in this study consisted of six lesson plans based on Model-Based Inquiry (MBI) and the climate change conceptual test. In this study, the climate change conceptual test was used to investigate students’ conceptual understanding of climate change before and after participating in the Model-Based Inquiry (MBI) learning activities. Data obtained from the climate change conceptual test for both pre-test and post-test were analyzed in order to differentiate the degree of conceptual understanding and to see the students' conceptual change on Climate Change. After using the Model-Based Inquiry (MBI) there were two ways of changing conception, positive shift, and negative shift. The positive shift consisted of three concepts as following: the ozone deletion, the global warming and the acid rain. The negative shift was the chemicals cause acid rain.

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How to Cite
P. Thaweejit and J. Huntula, “Conceptual Change on Climate Change of 7 Graders Through Model-Based Inquiry (MBI)”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 19–32, Dec. 2018.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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