The Development of The Art Camp Curriculum in Basics Pottery by Learning Practices Model for Grade 9 Students

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Wipalai Chaiyahong
Wacharin Sriraksa


The study aimed: 1) to developing art camp curriculum in basics pottery by learning practices model for grade 9 students; 2) to study the result of using art camp curriculum in basics pottery by learning practices model for grade 9 students which required students to have average score not less than 80% and more than 80% of all students were required to pass the assigned criteria, and 3) to explore grade 9 students’ satisfaction towards the learning of art camp curriculum in basics pottery by learning practices model. The sample is grade 9 students in Sriboonrueang Wittayakarn School Sriboonrueang District, Nong Bua Lamphu who studies in the second semester of the academic year 2016. The classroom consisted of 56 students. The instruments used in this research included with art camp curriculum in basics pottery by learning practices model for grade 9 students which consist 7 lesson plans, performance evaluation form and student satisfaction survey The statistical analysis is the Percentage and mean and standard deviation (S.D.)

           The study showed that

  1. The development of the art camp curriculum in basics pottery by learning practices model for grade 9 students. It was found that the expert opinions toward the art camp curriculum as a whole were at a highly appropriate level (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 3.99) that can be used in class.

  2. The results of using an art camp curriculum in basics pottery. Students got an average point = 17.87 from 20 score or equal to 89.28 percent. However, only 56 students or equal to 100 percent passed the assigned criteria.

  3. The results of students’ satisfaction were reported at a good level in every item. When considering the ranking from the highest to the lowest level, the result was that the knowledge from this activity (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 4.30, S.D. = 0.11). Following by, how to organize the activity ( gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 4.22, S.D. = 0.12) and the preparation for (  = 4.18, S.D. = 0.07)

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How to Cite
W. Chaiyahong and W. Sriraksa, “The Development of The Art Camp Curriculum in Basics Pottery by Learning Practices Model for Grade 9 Students”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 65–74, Sep. 2018.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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