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ดวงดาว รุ่งเจริญเกียรติ Daungdao Rungcharoenkiat


The objectives of this research were to 1) synthesize the documents and research related to online learning management with gamification, and 2) study the guidelines for online learning management based on the gamification concept for elementary school teachers. The methodology used was documentary research. The studied documents included 20 books, textbooks, and related documents, and 10 research papers. The research samples were 10 experts and 5 elementary school teachers. The research instruments used were 1) a form for synthesizing documents and related research papers, and 2) two sets of the structured interview form about the guidelines for designing online learning for experts and elementary school teachers. The data were analyzed by content analysis from the documents and related research and the interviews with experts and elementary school teachers.

The results of the study found that 1) according to the synthesis of relevant documents and research papers, it can be seen that online learning based on gamification concepts has four key principles. (1) The content should be interactive and be designed in various formats, e.g., games, puzzles, and skill-building activities. (2) Learning format should be varied, fun, and arouse student interest. Game mechanics, such as point and competition, may be used to motivate learners to join the activities. (3) Technology should be easily accessed and suitable for elementary students and help learners to experience simulated learning. Game-based learning technology can be used to help learners learn through game playing, e.g., computer game or board game. (4) Assessment and evaluation based on gamification concept should focus on skill and process assessment, rather than knowledge. Various assessment methods, such as testing, observation, interview, or grading, may be used and feedback should be regularly given to learners. 2) Guidelines for online learning based on the gamification concept can be summarized as follows: (1) defining learning objectives, (2) choosing the right game mechanics, (3) using a variety of gamification elements, (4) creating an interesting storyline or theme, (5) using interactive content, (6) providing immediate feedback to learners, (7) designing learning activities that promote cooperation and competition, (8) adjusting game mechanics according to content, (9) using technology effectively, (10) providing incentives or motivation according to learners’ needs, (11) having instructor participation in the online classroom, (12) having parent participation in online learning, and (13) conducting online assessment and evaluation.

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