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This research aimed to: 1) study the causal factors affecting learning and innovation skills in the 21st century of secondary school students in Lopburi Province; and 2) study the guidelines for promoting learning skills and innovation in the 21st century of secondary school students in Lopburi Province. The sample consisted of 432 students in schools under the Lop Buri Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5, in the academic year 2021, derived by cluster random sampling and there were 5 key informants, derived by purposive selection. The research instruments were a questionnaire and an interview form. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and CB-SEM structural equation model analysis; and qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis
The results showed that 1) causal factors affecting learning and innovation skills in the 21st century of secondary school students in Lopburi Province were: 1.1) Learning management, using learning management model appropriate to and in line with learners’ needs. 1.2) Learning environment, providing positive classroom atmosphere in physical aspect and promoting learning atmosphere that meets learning objectives. 1.3) Achievement motivation, using primary needs of learners in conjunction with reasoning and analytical thinking for further development. 2) The guidelines for promoting learning skills and innovation in the 21st century of secondary school students in Lopburi Province were: 2.1) in achievement motivation aspect, promoting and supporting learners to gain interest and awareness; 2.2) in learning environment aspect, promoting and supporting the teaching and learning atmosphere that meets the learning objectives; 2.3) in teacher’s learning management, developing teachers to be able to manage learning according to their competence and have the ability to use technology appropriately. This research suggests that other supporting factors that affect learning and innovation skills should be studied, e.g., attitudes, learning curriculum, learning values, and educational standards.
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