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สวรส ศรีสุตโต Sawaros Srisutto
สิริพันธ์ วงศ์อินทวัง Siriphan Wonginthavung


This research aims to: 1) study consumers’ purchasing behaviors of the antigen test kit (ATK); 2) study the relationship between generations and purchasing behavior of the antigen test kit (ATK); and 3) compare the relationship between generations and the influence level of marketing mix affecting the purchasing decisions of the antigen test kit (ATK). A questionnaire was used to collect data from the sample group. There were 384 respondents consisting of baby boomers, generation X, generation Y, and generation Z, which were equally derived.

The research results found that: 1) most of the samples gathered information about the antigen test kit (ATK) from websites. They purchased the ATK by themselves and paid in cash. The number of purchasing was 3-6 kits per month. The reason for purchasing was for Covid-19 protection. Most of them purchased the “SARS-CoV-2 antigen test kit (GICA)”. The person influencing the purchase was themselves. 2) Generations showed a relationship with purchasing behaviors at the statistically significant level of .05 in the aspects of information source searching, amount of purchasing, brand selection, and payment method. While purchasers, purchasing reasons, and purchasing influencers had no relationship with generations. 3) The samples from each generation assessed the marketing mix in terms of place and price affecting the decision to purchase the ATK differently at the statistically significant level of .01. By contrast, product and promotion had no different influence on the decisions to purchase the ATK.

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