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เพิ่มพร บุพพวงษ์ Permporn Buppavong
สมชาย ประเสริฐศรี Somchay Prasertsri
นัยนา บุพพวงษ์ Naiyana Buppawong
วรันธร เฉลิมโฉม Waranthorn Chalermchom
ปิติโชค จันทร์หนองไทร Pitichoke Channongsai
กษมา สุขุมาลจันทร์ Kasama Sukhumalchan


The purposes of this research were to study: 1) the level of participatory administration and efficiency of education development; 2) the relationship between participatory administration and efficiency of education development; and 3) the factor of participatory administration and efficiency of education development in the Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sports University. The sample was 340 administrators, faculty members, and staff who involved in educational administration of the Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sports University. Krejcie & Morgan’s formula was used to determine the research sample size from each campus. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, variance analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The results were as follows:

  1. Overall and in specific aspects, the participatory administration of the Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sports University was found at a high level. The aspects in the descending order were participation in communication, participation in planning, participation in information, participation in control, participation in organization, and participation in organization leadership. Overall, the efficiency of educational development was at a high level. In the specific aspects, three aspects were at the highest level, namely, in the descending order, management, arts and culture preservation, folk games and Thai sports, and graduate production. Two aspects were at a high level, which consisted of academic services and research and innovation.

  2. Overall, the participatory administration had a positive relationship with the efficiency of educational development in the Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sports University at the statistically significant level of .01.

  3. The factors of participatory administration affecting the efficiency of educational development in the Faculty of Education, Thailand National Sports University consisted of participation in information (X5), participation in communication (X6), and participation in planning (X1) with the statistically significant level of .01. The participatory administration could predict the level of efficiency of educational development of the Faculty of the Education, Thailand National Sports University at the percentage of 67.90. The equation could be written as gif.latex?\widehat{Y}tot = 392+ .296 X5 + .221 X6 + .122 X 1.

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Research Article


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