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จันทร์เพ็ญ สุวรรณคร Janpen Suwannakorn


The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop and determine the efficiency of model of guidance activity; 2) evaluate the effectiveness of model of guidance activity; and 3) disseminate the model of guidance activity. The sample were 37 students in 7th – 9th grade who was studying in the second semester of the academic year 2019 at Donkhawittaya School under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area 9, derived by purposive sampling. A total of 20 hours of experiments were performed using the one group pretest-posttest design and the 3 phase development studies. The research instruments consisted of a model of guidance activity, a unit manual and an activity plan, a group behavior observation form, an evaluation form for creative problem-solving and counseling innovation ability, a work skill assessment form for those relating to organizing “Youth Counselor Students” presentation activity; and a reflecting journal of guidance activities. The data was analyzed with mean, standard deviation, dependent t-test, and content analysis.

The research results showed that:

  1. The model of guidance activity, named “PECCAP”, consists of 5 components. These are: 1) Principles. It should focus on students to create their own knowledge systematically through the form of guidance activities, by integrating 5 teaching models: (1) guidance activity learning, (2) activity-based learning, (3) case-based learning, (4) problem-based learning, and (5) inquiry-based learning, which are under the principle of guidance activities, constructivism theory, humanism theory, Piaget's theory of cognitive development, and cooperative learning. 2) Objectives. The objective is to enhance creative problem solving and counseling innovation ability. 3) Learning process. There are 6 steps of activity, PECCAP: (1) preparing students (P), (2) exploring and searching for hypothetical data (E), (3) collecting, analyzing and discussing the data (C), (4) creating a new concept (C), (5) asking questions to create alternatives or solutions (A), and (6) presenting and summarizing the evaluation results (P). 4) Assessment and evaluation. The assessment and evaluation are conducted in 8 aspects of creative problem-solving and counseling innovation ability with 14 indicators. 5) Supporting factors. The supporting factors are (1) personnel who are related and give cooperation in activities, set the atmosphere to facilitate learning, and participate in evaluating the results of creative problem-solving, counseling innovation ability, and learners’ presented performance in actual condition; and (2) students who is diligent to study in a systematic manner, systematically record the results of counseling and make reports to present to relevant persons under the supervision of experts. The efficiency of this model (E1/E2) was 85.23/86.01.

  2. The effectiveness of the developed model indicated that 2.1) after participating in the guidance activities based on the model, students’ creative problem-solving and counseling innovation ability were higher than that of before at statistical significance level of .05; 2.2) after participating in the guidance activities based on the model, students developed the creative problem-solving at a high level; and 2.3) after participating in the guidance activities based on the model, students developed the counseling innovation ability at a high level.

  3. The results of the dissemination using model of guidance activity indicated that creative problem solving abilities and counseling innovation abilities for lower secondary school students after using the model were significantly higher than before the instruction at .05

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