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เมธาสิทธิ์ ธัญรัตนศรีสกุล Mathasit Tanyarattanasrisakul
อุไรรัตน์ เอี่ยมสะอาด Urairut Iamsa-Ard
นิตยา สิงห์ทอง Nittaya Singthong
ขวัญฤดี ไพบูลย์ Khwanrudee Paiboon
ชุติมา แช่มแก้ว Chutima Chamkeaw
ปิยธิดา แจ่มสว่าง Piyatida Jamsawang
กาญจน์ ศรีสวัสดิ์ Karn Srisawat
มนต์เมืองใต้ รอดอยู่ Monmuangtai Rodyoo


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the adaptation of Matthayomsuksa 6 students of Rachineeburana School under the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic situation; and 2) compare the adaptation as classified by residence and number of years studying in the school. The research sample was Matthayomsuksa 6 students who was studying in the second semester of the academic year 2020 at Rachineeburana School, comprising 1) 297 questionnaire respondents derived by stratified random sampling, and 2) 14 interviewees derived by purposive sampling. The research instruments were a questionnaire and an interview form. Data were analyzed by arithmetic mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, and content analysis.

The results of this research were as follows.

  1. Overall the adaptation of students was at a high level. When considered each aspect, all aspects were at a high level. The social adaptation was at the highest level, followed by emotional adaptation, learning adaptation, and activity participating adaptation. Regarding the interview, for learning adaptation, students tried to provide technological equipment for online learning especially the internet network. For social adaptation, students perceived the prevention measures against the pandemic and acted accordingly; therefore they were able to adjust themselves without feeling that it was an obstacle to come to school. For emotional adaptation, students understood the difficulties of both their teachers and their peers so they expressed empathy and helped each other in learning both online and on site. Additionally, they were able to control their emotions as well, despite various obstacles in their lives. For activity participating adaptation, students understood that school activity participation was a good opportunity to learn to participate in new normal activities.

  2. Overall and in specific aspects, there was no difference in the adaptation of students as classified by residence and number of years studying.

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